Drones are definitely taking over 2018. CES 2016 promises to be the first tech event where drones will reign supreme. In addition to augmented knowledge, quantum computing and blockchain, drone lanes will be one of the top 8 hottest tech trends in 2018.
Continue reading Drones – The Must Have Cool Man Toy
Go Kart – Makes a Cool Holiday Gift
For those searching for the perfect holiday gift, go karts should be at the top of their list. Many people have enjoyed the thrill of go karts sometime in their lives. Thus, it’s one of the best gifts that they can share with the next generation of possible go-kart enthusiasts. Here are some of the top brands on the market:
Choosing the Right Gift For Your Man This Christmas
Christmas can be a pressuring time, especially if you are in a relationship and you do not know what to get the opposite sex. For a man, it is extremely tough to pick out a gift you that he will really appreciate. This is especially true if you have only been dating for a couple of months. But if your man is a motor man, that means he likes all things that go fast such as cars, snowmobiles, dirt bikes, and the like, then picking out a gift for him is actually pretty easy. Here are some gift ideas for your manly man for this holiday season.
Continue reading Choosing the Right Gift For Your Man This Christmas
Buying a Wall Safe – Crazy Idea?
When you begin to look at the options, you will notice that wall or in-ground safes aren’t the only safes on the market. There are the stand-alone, the standard vault-types, that still dominate the market. The problem that most don’t realize is that thieves come prepared. They have mini explosives, drills, welding tools…you name it. All that to say, having a safe as big as your refrigerator in your garage or basement might not be as safe a place as a concealed wall safe.
Building a Muscle Car Engine
Let me yammer about another subject that is near and dear to my heart, and that is about building a muscle car engine.
You need to first start by thinking about what it is you want the engine to do. Do you want a good reliable every day driver, or a race car, because there is a huge difference between the two engines.